Skillfort is an innovative platform bridge Corporates and Agencies for People on Demand. Carrying plenty of opportunities for both to get excited, thus supporting to focus on core business. Skillfort has been invented in the year 2013. For more than 3 years thorough Research on Market and Technical viabilities been carried out to ensure the successful implementation of the innovation.
Experimented in different form and supported three Agencies to get 7 positions closed in a month’s time. Skillfort is the first platform to generate more Contract staffing transactions and this will be the trend in future.
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Outsourced Product Development (OPD)
In today's competitive market, every Organization is trying to keep themselves ahead of competition. Most of the business owners knew that implementation of any new technology requires, knowledge and related skills. For want of these technologies, organization's are not ready to increase the overheads. The alternative and cost effectie solution is to outsource the custom application or product development which will save time and cost besides stay focus on the core business and goals.
OPD facilitates to mitigate from the risks. Unbiased thinking requires to bring the new ideas and concept into the business, which will help the organizations to plan for taking the operations to next level. OPD is the best choice for organizational growth.
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Assessment is the critical phase of learning process. We are sure that the individuals who know the feeling of anticipation when he / she is about to take the competitive exam. It’s all about practice regularly to keep ahead of competitions. Assessment affects many facets of education / preparation in building the career life.
Based on our personal and professional experiences we @ McOxley come up with a solution to help the individuals who are trying to equip themselves towards their aspiring career. The respective individual can select their choice of courses and can assess their preparations.
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